We have extensive experience in international instruments, from International Human Rights Law to the UNCITRAL model texts, combined with a deep understanding of the underlying concepts both of the civil law and the common law traditions. With a painstaking research process, we provide our clients with a unique product that immediately fits into its target context.
Our Finance and Insurance translation services rest on three pillars: Reliability, Accuracy, and Confidentiality. We deliver on time, under the most demanding deadlines. We use exact terminology pursuant to established international standards and local regulatory texts. We have a strict confidentiality policy to exclude even the slightest possibility of conflict of interest.
Translation in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities involves a critical balance between accuracy and readability. In other words, the process is closer to cultural migration of ideas than mere translation. Capitalizing on a broad range of expertise among our team members in such disciplines as history, political science, philosophy and economics, we provide our clients with translations of international reports, monographs, conference papers, field studies, journal articles, and research proposals.
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